Friday, August 10, 2012

Quiz Time

1.  What did Moses and the prophets say?

2. What is settled in heaven and will never pass away?

3.  How will you recognize the Messiah?

Answers next week

Friday, July 6, 2012


My husband and I have interacted with the Jewish community over 30 years.  It has been the biggest part of our life  As his health deteriorates the interaction becomes less and less.  We love the Jews and miss their friendship.One day we will sit down in the kingdom with Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and others that have put their faith in the redemption of the Messiah.  G-d is the G-d of the living not of the dead. 

Since returning home Ed has gone back into the hospital.  It was eminent, just a matter of when. May G-d be glorified and The L-RD be lifted up in every situation that people would be drawn unto the Messiah.

As we celebrate Independence Day may you think about true freedom, freedom from guilt, from the wages of sin, from the penalty of sin, found through the shed blood of the promised Messiah.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Time for a break

This should be interesting.  We have five children, all married and all with families.  For my sixtieth birthday most of us will be getting together at an amusement park for a day of fun.  L-RD willing, there will be 24 of us going.  We will see how the day goes  "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:..." Proverbs 17:22a

Friday, March 16, 2012


Spring is around the corner. We have had a mild winter in this section of the country. Today is in the 60's with a small breeze. The sun is shining. It is the kind of day that makes you want to be outside, to go somewhere, to see places or do something, a light hearted day, fresh and new.

This so reminds me of redemption, when a person's sins are lifted, guilt is gone, a clear conscience with G-d. We have been forgiven, sins forgotten and everything is new, fresh, and enjoyable.

Passover is also almost here. A time to remember deliverance from hard bondage, bitter tears, separation from family. Without G-d's passover there would have been no looking forward to a better tomorrow.

The passover is symbolic of our hard bondage in sin, the bitter tears and separation from family. Without the shedding of blood is no remission. The blood of G-d's perfect lamb was shed for our iniquities.Through faith in the supreme sacrifice on Golgotha and the resurrection of the Messiah we can have new life in Him. We can be made clean, our sins forgiven and have a clear conscience with G-d, to live with Him forever.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The L-RD sings

I love to sing and worship the L-Rd in singing. This verse amazes me in that the L-RD will sing to us one day.It just makes me want to worship the L-RD even more . He is so humble, giving, and kind. I hope you enjoy this verse found in Zephaniah 3:17

"The L-RD thy G-d in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing."

Friday, January 20, 2012


I apologize for being late again. Time is getting away from me.

The best part of the week was yesterday when I met Jacques at a nursing home. He had been raised orthodox and was living reform, not attending synagogue anywhere. What bothers me is he is in a nursing home away from family and no one there for him.

When I entered his room automatically my eye saw the cheerfulness and beauty there. This man had taken a common room and made it a home. Plants of all kinds lined the window sill (this attracted my attention because it reminded me of my mom who loved plants and always had the window sills full of different types). There were fresh apples on his side table and simple comfortable looking chairs for guests.

We had a good conversation. He does believe in G-d. Jacques only sees Yeshua as a founder of a religion like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob founded Judaism. Jacques does not recognize Yeshua as the Messiah (He does not know enough about Yeshua to know him as the Messiah)When asked how he would recognize the Messiah when he came, Jacques replied he did not know. He received a special edition of the New Testament and has allowed me to visit him again. Please pray for this man to go on to learn who the Messiah is.