Friday, January 30, 2015

Grandchildren, dementia, and life in general

This is a repost from three years ago.  Even as Ed's health is decreasing,  G-d does not change.  Hope this is an encouragement to you.

For the past week we have had nine grandchildren here( not all to once).  Now grandchildren on any level are interesting.  These were no different.  They are a blessing and so different from each other.  They are an amusement to my husband and helps him to enjoy life a little bit.  ("Children's children are the crown of old men;..."Proverbs 17:6a)
Ed's dementia has increase.  He has had schizophrenia for years, now he also has dementia.   As the doctor said, "he could loose quite a bit of his memory and it not be noticeable because he is so intelligent". Sometimes he uses the wrong word for what he is trying to say, doesn't remember what was told him, tires from activity easily, gets the time of day turned around, doesn't know the day,month,etc.("He removeth away the speech of the trusty, and taketh away the understanding of the aged." Job 12:20)

What I just wrote is a picture of real life, good and bad.  One thing that makes life worth living is the joy G-d gives us each day in small things and in bad situations,God's wisdom to see life in terms of eternity (Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterwards receive me to glory."  Psalms 73:24), the Bible's truths being lived out in front of my eyes("For ever, O L-RD, thy word is settled in heaven.") .Enjoy the day, be thankful for what you have, love the L-RD with all your heart.  You will not regret it.("This is the day which the L-RD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms118:24)

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