Friday, July 6, 2012


My husband and I have interacted with the Jewish community over 30 years.  It has been the biggest part of our life  As his health deteriorates the interaction becomes less and less.  We love the Jews and miss their friendship.One day we will sit down in the kingdom with Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and others that have put their faith in the redemption of the Messiah.  G-d is the G-d of the living not of the dead. 

Since returning home Ed has gone back into the hospital.  It was eminent, just a matter of when. May G-d be glorified and The L-RD be lifted up in every situation that people would be drawn unto the Messiah.

As we celebrate Independence Day may you think about true freedom, freedom from guilt, from the wages of sin, from the penalty of sin, found through the shed blood of the promised Messiah.