Friday, June 3, 2016


Have you noticed the believing community in the USA views persecution as a dirty word? Somehow the flesh has come to expect the blessings of G-d as one's right and anyone interrupting those blessing is anti-G-d. and headed to hell. ( A lot of people that don't interrupt G-d's blessings is headed for hell. It is very normal for people to be headed for hell. It is abnormal for people to be headed for heaven)

It has been said everywhere in the world is experiencing revival except the USA. You can also see everywhere in the world is experiencing persecution except the USA.

There is a Bible principle about persecution found in Exodus. The Jews were being persecuted by Pharaoh. The Jews did not worship the many gods of the Gentiles. Pharaoh did not want them to become more than the people of the land so Pharaoh afflicted them including having the male newborns killed as soon as they were born.(the wicked practice of abortion is not new) The Bible states "But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied." Exodus 1:12 Affliction or persecution brings about people coming to know the L-rd Yeshua (Jesus) as their Redeemer.

We see this same principle in The New Covenant when believing Jews were persecuted at Jerusalem and scattered because of the persecution, causing the word of G-d to spread. This caused Christians to multiply.

As people are being persecuted in other places they are showing love to their tormentors and giving a witness of G-d's grace that bring non believers to the L-rd himself. OH, to have such love, to think of others first, the lost and unbelieving. To want what is best for the tormentor more than what would be convenient for oneself. To be willing to suffer for the good of the lost as Yeshua suffered for the good of all. I pray I would look to Yeshua, the author and finisher of my faith in such times and lift him up so others could be drawn unto him. Wouldn't you want to have G-d's power and grace to do that also? To be able to put Yeshua first in life is a goal worth striving for.

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